Apply Deep Pressure Therapy and improve quality of life. Designed for individuals with autism, sensory processing disorder or anxiety.
Health and lifestyle, medical devices, fashion
Wearable Therapeutics Inc.
Lucia Hsieh, Lisa Fraser
Snug Vest was based on Lisa Fraser’s graduation project called the Bear Hug vest.
The product was iterated and tested multiple times over to become what Snug Vest is today. The design changed substantially to:
I was responsible for the entire product development process from user research such as conducting interviews, diary studies and usability tests, to sketching and prototyping.
In the United States:
Children were diagnosed with a developmental disability during a study period of 2009-2017.
Number of physician visits where the primary diagnosis included mental, behavioural and neurodevelopment disorders.
Children has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Estimated number of children ever diagnosed with ADHD according to 2022 survey.
Scientific studies show that Deep Pressure Therapy can help regulate the sensory system when a person feels overwhelmed by environmental input and sensory information.
People experience a calm and relaxing effect when pressure such as a firm hug, hold or swaddle is applied to the torso.
Review third-party scientific studies from:
We conducted a beta trial to assess Snug Vest for usability, efficacy and pressure performance. 15 children with 8 caretakers participated in the study.
All were between 5-13 years old at the time of study with:
Each participant received a beta kit to complete the one month study. The study involved interviews, weekly questionnaires, worksheets, and diary studies.
Beta kit contents:
Caretakers rated the Snug Vest based on 15 features.
On the commercialized 2013 version, we:
For future iterations:
Therapists, parents and teachers documented how often the children experienced anxiety, tantrums, tactile defensiveness and meltdowns each week over the course of a month.
Sum of all occurrences that the children experienced before, during, and 20 minutes after inflation sessions.
Children who completed this exercise said the pressure was “just right” through the sides, stomach, chest, upper and lower back regions.
Pressure was generally not enough on the shoulders.
Hood gives a sense of comfort and blocks out overwhelming visual information such as light.
Labels are printed directly on the vest to minimize the tactile sensory input caused by tags.
Adjustable hook and loop at the shoulders fit the child’s height and accommodate growth.
Adjustable hook and loop at the sides ensure proper fit and accommodate growth around the torso.
Breathable, inflatable vest evenly distributes adjustable pressure to the sides, shoulders, and back.
Deflate the vest by twisting the end of the deflation tube.
The hidden inflation tube attaches to the hand pump.
The elastic strip in the front ensures minimal pressure is applied to the stomach and chest.
VelcroTM at the shoulders adjust 3” according to user’s height to accommodate growth.
Inflation tube attaches to the hand pump.
Deflate the vest by twisting the end of the tube.
The front elastic strip ensuresminimal pressure is placed on the stomach and chest
The inflatable provides evenly distributed and adjustable pressure to the sides, shoulders and back to give a hug-like squeeze.
VelcroTM at the sides adjust 6” around the torso to accommodate growth.
The hood provides a sense ofcomfort and blocks out light and overwhelming distractions.
The holes on the inflatable provide ventilation and ensure evenpressure distribution.
Video compilation of prototypes made and tested until commercialization.
We got an overwhelming amount of orders when we launched in 2013 that we could barely keep up with the demand. It was heart warming to see the positive impact it created for so many people.
In preorders with zero marketing spend.
Repeat sales from therapists, parents, teachers, wholesalers, and more.
Returns with 60 day money back guarantee.
We got an overwhelming amount of orders when we launched in 2013 that we could barely keep up with the demand. It was heart warming to see the positive impact it created for so many people.
After launching Snug Vest, my role shifted towards supply chain and manufacturing. I worked with suppliers, created tech packs, and developed systems so that Snug Vest can be manufactured at its highest quality.
I departed from the company in 2015 to pursue more research and design opportunities.
Snug Vest was available in the market from 2013 to 2017.
The Red Dot Award is an international design competition for product design, communication design and design concepts.